On the 22nd day examine your place. Spread a large piece of fabric or film on the floor and put all the items on it which remind you of your past relationships. You’re going to have to throw it out. So before you move forward with this spell, decide on what’s more important to you: to keep your belongings or to cast a spell to attract true love successfully. Also, throw out all the photographs of all your ex-lovers. If you have any in your phone or on social media, delete them too. Then think again if you’re okay not seeing any of these people ever again in exchange for an opportunity to cast a successful love spell.

Tie it all up in a bundle and throw it out. Before you walk back into your house, say:

“I’m entering my house free of the past. It has no memory of anyone anymore. Say the name of any of my ex-lovers and I won’t remember who they are. Because my heart is pure and free. But it’s not empty. It has love for the person I’m about to meet. Today I (say your name) will go towards my love. I don’t know his name, I don’t know what he looks like, I don’t know what his voice sounds like, and I don’t know his smell. But I have no doubt I’ll know it’s him the moment I see and hear him. Because he’s my love, my destiny. I chose him myself in my past lives. I came to this life to meet him. And I’ll find him because I know he’s been thinking about me, missing me and looking for me, too. I know he’ll recognize me the moment he sees me and hears my voice and he’ll fall in love with me.”

From now on utter this incantation every time you walk into your home. Sometimes you’ll need to repeat it multiples times a day. Stay faithful to your dream of finding love and make sure not to ruin it by responding to someone’s romantic advances positively or having a one-night stand. You’ll have to do it until your search is over. It can be quite challenging because it may take you up to a few years to find true love.



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